Learning Task Map


Part 1: The learner task maps identifies the major steps participants will need to complete the activities outlined in this course. Click on the brainstorm image to see it full size.

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Part 2:

Task-Objective Assessment Item Blueprint by Gillian Riley

Part II: Task Objective Assessment Item Blueprint


Laying the tasks helps the designer realize how just many steps are involved in each objective. Perhaps more importantly, misalignments become apparent. In constructing the Task Objective Blueprint, I could see how both my objectives and my activities were aligned. After spending a good amount of time with teachers, I realize they want something that’s applicable…tomorrow.

While the realization about what teachers want was heavy on my mind at the I set into design mode, the Task Objective Map helped me realize skills were embedded, but I wasn’t asking the most important questions: Why is this important to me? What benefit does this process produce for me and my students? How does the implementation effect my students or I long run? and If I do this, then what? The task objectives helped me extend my orignal activities to reach for more depth in the critical thinking process. In each course design, the Task-Objective Assessment Item Blueprint is the most helpful.

5 Tips for Monitoring Internet Safety

The Internet is an amazing tool for learning, but its use also adds additional management and safety concerns.  The list below outlines some common concerns with students on the Internet and what teachers can do to keep surfing safe.

Internet Safety Concerns

  1. Posting distasteful photos/images/videos
  2. Searching for distasteful photos/images/videos
  3. Engaging in distasteful communication
  4. Communication with predators/bullies/scammers
  5. File sharing/copyright violations/fines/plagiarism

Tips for Monitoring Internet Safety

1. Clearly define “distasteful” photos/images/videos

Start by defining how distasteful images can make someone feel.  Discuss what types of images are appropriate, and also discuss what a student should do if they find distasteful images.

2.  Clearly define “distasteful” communication

Again because distasteful is a broad term that means different things to different people, it’s important to take a reading from all students in the classroom.  Discuss conversation topics and comments that may bother others and what students should do if they find themselves involved in this type of communication.
3. Model and moderate social media communications

Get involved in your students online discussions.  By moderating conversations, you can model the depth of conversation and how to keep things flowing so everyone feels like a participant.
4. Inform students on how to identify predators/bullies/and scammers

It’s as important to teach students how to behave online as it is to teach them what to look for.  To teach these skills, share case studies, role play, or analyze scams.

5. Demonstrate how to cite resources, inform students about the consequences of copyright violation.

Review case studies of plagiarism so students understand the full consequences.  Teach how to cite resources and how to include text or images from other sources.  Reteach these skills when needed and require source citing consistently.


The Teacher’s Guide to Keeping Students Safe Online

INOBTR (I Know Better) Resources for Online Instruction

Netiquette: Internet Communications for Kids

Copyright Scavenger Hunt